Step 7: Interact with poly-packet

Now that our service is complete, we can interact with it using the poly-packet cli

poly-packet -i my_protocol.yml -c connect serial:/dev/ttyS3:115200

-c lets you pass a command on start-up, I use it as a convenient way to connect

Once you are in the CLI, you can send some packets

setName deviceName: Jason Berger

produced the following output:

______     _      ______          _        _   
| ___ \   | |     | ___ \        | |      | |  
| |_/ /__ | |_   _| |_/ /_ _  ___| | _____| |_ 
|  __/ _ \| | | | |  __/ _` |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
| | | (_) | | |_| | | | (_| | (__|   <  __/ |_ 
\_|  \___/|_|\__, \_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|    [my_protocol protocol]
              __/ |                            

 Port Opened : /dev/ttyS3

 --> { "packetType" : "whoAreYou"}
 <-- { "packetType" : "myNameIs", "deviceName" : "Jerry"}

 --> { "packetType" : "getData"}
 <-- { "packetType" : "sensorData", "temp" : 2865, "humidity" : 4939}

 --> { "packetType" : "setName", "deviceName" : "Jason Berger"}
 <-- { "packetType" : "Ack"}

 --> { "packetType" : "whoAreYou"}
 <-- { "packetType" : "myNameIs", "deviceName" : "Jason Berger"}