Creating a Module

mrt-config works by grabbing the list of submodules in the main uprev-mrt repo . When you import a module into your project, it adds that submodule to your project using the same relative path it has in the main repo.

So to add a module, you need to create a repo for the module, and then add it as a submodule to the uprev-mrt repo.


Repo names for modules should be all lowercase and hyphenated with the module category as a prefix. example: the Fifo module’s repo is utility-fifo

mrt.yml file

Every module should contain an mrt.yml file with a name, description, category, and requires field

example from Fifo module:

name: fifo
description: generic fifo utility
category: utility
requires: []

Once you have the basic module added, you can begin adding code. The modules structure will vary based on what type of module it is. See below for specifics when adding a Platform , Device , or Utility module