
Requires: Modules/Platforms/Common

To use with an atmel asf project, include the Mr T repo as a submodule of the project

(for more detailed instruction visit the README from the MrT/Config Repo)

Integrating to Atmel Studio

Once you have created your project and imported the Mr T modules needed, open the project in Atmel Studio and follow these steps:

  1. Click the ‘Show All files’ button in the solution explorer

  2. right click mrt/Modules/mrt_platform, and select ‘Include in project’

  3. go to the poject properties and add the symbol for your framework

MRT_PLATFORM_ATMEL_ASF for atmel asf projects
MRT_PLATFORM_ATMEL_START for atmel-start projects

  1. go to the poject properties and add ‘src/mrt/Modules’ as an include path

  2. for each module you would like to use, right click the module directory in the solution explorer, and click ‘Include in project’