ANV401 Fingerprint Sensor

This is the device driver for the ANV401 capacitive fingerprint sensor module.

Example Code

This example is based on an stm32 platform using huart1 for the device, and the irq and reset signals labeled as FINGER_EXTI and FINER_RST

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#include "Devices/Biometric/ANV401-FingerprintSensor/anv401.h"

/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
anv401_t fpSensor;
volatile bool fpPresent = false;
volatile bool addNewUser = false;

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)

    if(GPIO_Pin == FINGER_EXTI_Pin)
        fpPresent = true;

    if(GPIO_Pin == NEW_USER_BUTTON_Pin)
        addNewUser = true;


int main(void)
    /* Initialization of HAL, UART, GPIO etc.. */

    //Initialize driver
    anv401_init(&fpSensor, MRT_GPIO(FINGER_EXTI), MRT_GPIO(FINGER_RST)));

            //Add whoever is touching the sensor as a new user with permission level 3
            anv401_add_user(&fpSensor, 3);

            addNewUser = false;

            anv401_user_t user = anv401_compare_fingerprint(&fpSensor);

            if(user.mId == ANV401_USER_NONE)
                printf("No Matching User found, Access denied");
                printf("User identified\nId: %04X\nPerm: %d", user.mId, user.mPerm);

            fpPresent = false;


When the NEW_USER_BUTTON is pressed, the finger currently touching the sensor would be added as a new user. Whenever a finger touches the sensor, it will toggle the EXTI/IRQ signal, and then we can look for a match