
This module defines definitions and functions common to all platforms. It must be included with any project that uses on the of the Platform abstractions.


To enable FreeRTOS add the symbol MRT_FREERTOS to the project or define it above the include statement for mrt_platform.h. This will override the malloc and free functions, and map the MRT_MUTEX macros accordingly:

  *@file mrt_FreeRTOS.h
  *@brief Abstraction header FreeRTOS
  *@author Jason Berger
  *@date 8/27/2020

#pragma once

#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "semphr.h"

#define malloc(size) pvPortMalloc(size)
#define free(ptr) vPortFree(ptr)

#define MRT_MUTEX_TYPE SemaphoreHandle_t
#define MRT_MUTEX_CREATE(m) (m) = xSemaphoreCreateMutex()
#define MRT_MUTEX_LOCK(m) xSemaphoreTake((m), portMAX_DELAY)
#define MRT_MUTEX_UNLOCK(m) xSemaphoreGive((m))
#define MRT_MUTEX_DELETE(m) vSemaphoreDelete((m))